Friday, September 7, 2007
letters to life
I want to talk to write a letter. I want to write a letter to whoever makes the rules about life. I want to ask him/her/them/it (I want to write to whoever is in charge of the English language too...and make them make a singular, gender neutral pronoun that doesn't impede the flow of speech with ////hash// marks) if they realize how inconvenient it is to not know when your life is going to change. Would it be too much to ask to get a telegram from
LIFE INC. in the morning, giving you a few hours warning before something happens, so you can get yourself together and not make things worse? You never get to wake up in the morning to a text from
LIFE saying "achtung: stay away from people today. get a hotel room, go sleep in the woods otherwise today you will cause trouble and will get tossed out of the apartment."
....something along those lines.

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