Friday, August 24, 2007
Trip Trap

Currently Reading:

I've had a lot of time of my hands recently, and it's starting to really take it's toll. Coming up from a sinus infection (finally), I have some awesome cabin fever rocking in my bones. I have a lot of plans but playing the waiting game is somewhat torturous. In a couple of months my life will be rolling--travel, seeing more of the world, touching, tasting, breathing life. In May: repeat. Hopefully between those trips I will have applied to all those dreamy M.A and PhD programs and have a slight idea of what I'll be doing with my life for the next 1-7 years. We'll see who takes me...
At this rate no one will take me. Studying for the GRE is like eating beef jerky-flavored chalk. Nauseating, against my grain, and unfulfilling. I've started loafing around Barnes and Noble because, well, I have nothing better to do than flip through overpriced art books and travel guides, squandering my savings on venti soy chai lattes and books. I need to buy another bookcase...and I'm afraid to check my bank balance.
...thank you google mapping gods
Anywhooo...the song for today is a favorite (video quality is lame, but whatevz)
Pieces kittlens
Anywhooo...the song for today is a favorite (video quality is lame, but whatevz)
Dramarama- Anything, anything
Pieces kittlens
....time for chai
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Stand and Deliver
Sharing my new obsession...thanks Freud ^^Tuesday, August 14, 2007
ella ella
A cover I like...
Marie Digby "Umbrella"
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wildflower Park
Some images from the Open Mic at Wildflower Park! Many thanks to Anita and her family for putting this on--I can't wait for the next one [Saturday, September 8th...7pm-midnight (at least)].*Note: Click images to enlarge
[Paul Reece & Dave Cooper]

[Bakersette Boys]